Monday, 23 February 2009

Too Busy too Blog

I am sorry but I have not kept updating this blog. I have been so busy and there does not seem enough time in the day. I have now just about finished my new website, which is now online at I am in the process of moving the picture albums over on to the site which is going to be a long process.
I hope to be updating my blog now on a regular basis, sharing with you some of the things I will be doing.

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Siobhan & Graeme Clark's Wedding

For all those that were there, you all know what a great day was at Siobhan and Graeme’s wedding. I was delighted to be asked to take the photographs and to attend the festivities in the evening. I have put a small slideshow together to show you some of the photographs that were taken.

Inveraray Jail

I asked to do some marketing and publicity photographs for Inveraray Jail recently. For those of you who haven’t visited Inveraray jail it is a must. It is a superb visitor attraction which is of interest for all ages. For more information and to see my pictures on their website go to
One of the great things about the jail is it is a living museum and you can meet the wardens and the prisoners, as seen in the photograph to the right.

I couldn’t help myself to a bit of fun in the court room and decided to update one of the court officers by giving him an ipod. I managed to get away before being bound over for contempt or even worse, Transportation to one of the colonies like Lochgilphead or even Campbeltown.

Thursday, 8 November 2007

Terri & Adams Wedding

I thought I would share some of my work on-line, so here is a slide show of one of the wedding I covered. The wedding was in Leeds and the Couple are Terri and Adam.


Well hello everybody and welcome to my blog. I have looked around at other photographers and they all seem to be blogging so I thought I'd better get in on the act.
So what is this blogging all about, well to be truthfull, I don't have a clue but hopefully over the next few months I will learn and make good use of it.

Come back and visit and see how I am getting on!